FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
6 PM TO 8 P.M.
Check In:
You have two options for check in. The first is the most preferable as it will ensure you get to your games on time. The second may make you late for warm up if there is a backup at the tournament tent.
- We will have an in-person check-in (Address TBD) this Friday night from 6pm-8pm.
- You can check in at the tournament tent an hour before your first scheduled match time.
What to bring- You will need a roster for your team (guest players can be written in) and you will need player cards for each player on your team. If they do not have a player card, we can use the rosters only, IF they have the player picture on the roster as well. Otherwise, I need the cards. We also need the medical release forms filled out and you need to have these on you throughout the tournament. The referees will check in with player pass cards or rosters with pictures ONLY. If one of those do not have tournament approval, the referee’s will call a field marshal to your fields.
teams that need to pay for entry. You can pay online, or you can bring cash, check, or credit card to check in and I can take payment that way.